Owning property in Filey Bay

For many people owning their own holiday home on the Yorkshire Coast is a dream come true. A getaway place of their own and the start of new adventures. For some, it’s a solid business investment. And for others, it’s maybe a mixture of the two. But one thing we can all agree on is that Filey Bay is a very special place to have property.

If you’re thinking about whether to buy a property at The Bay holiday village, or you’ve even signed on the dotted line and are awaiting the keys, it is without question an exciting time. And you may possibly have a host of questions and practical thoughts.

  • What’s the village like to spend time in? Is it dog or child friendly?
  • How do the charges work? What do they actually cover?
  • Who do I contact if something goes wrong?
  • Plumbers, electricians, handy-men – where can I get recommendations?

And if you’re thinking of renting your property out as a business there are even more questions: what about cleaning, setting prices, managing bookings and guests. It can be daunting even if you’re a dab hand in the holiday rental business.

Filey Bay

Being an owner at The Bay

Of course, your ongoing relationship with the village management company is of great importance. Almost every owner in the village has a lease, and so the village management company are our de facto landlords. As landlord and owner, we have a common interest. We both want the same thing and to ensure that our holiday village is a thriving success, a great place to be and visit. As landlord and owner, we need a good two-way relationship.

It’s not unusual in leasehold situations (such as with a block of flats) for there to be a tenants’ association, responsible for being the voice of the tenants in the decision making process and to work alongside he landlord to ensure that the everything runs smoothly. That’s why we started the Owners’ Association.

Filey Bay Owners’ Association

You can read and learn more about the Association, it’s objectives, purpose and function here, and meet the Committee. If you’d like to register your interest in joining the association as a member we would love to hear from you. Please fill in this enquiry form and we will contact you with further details.

We suggest that you join the Association because members gain many different benefits – from getting to know fellow owners and sharing information, knowledge and tips to having a more powerful collective voice on certain matters and topics. As a new owner/potential new owner, you can contact and have the support of people who have had properties at The Bay for many years.

We look forward to welcoming you to the association soon. If in the meantime, you have any further questions, you can get in touch with us at contact@fileyowners.org or by speaking to our chairman Robin Lee at chairman@fileyowners.org.

Looking towards Filey Brigg